For Me There Is No Work, Only Challenges

Author: vdubois

Reflection 2

  1. First, think about the content of the course.
    • How has this course changed your understanding of the history of science?

This course was able to show me that the scientific revolution did not occur at one specific time and was not exclusive to Europe. Stories told about Potosi and how Cajete told their stories show that scientific revolutions occurred at different times, levels, and locations. The scientific revolution was mainly seen in Europe because of their written records being passed down and you can argue that because of their written records Europe was the main story to define scientific revolution. However, science is seen being passed down through other methods unlike written records. Potosi had the method passed down through generations in the family and work. The evidence in Potosi that there was scientific advancement was the machinery, mints, techniques and people that showed the advancements.

  1. Second, think about how the content of the course might be relevant to you.
    • How does the content you have learned relate to the present day? Does it help you understand anything about the modern world?

Its relevant now because there are scientific revolutions occurring even now. Although it may not be seen, any region in the world can have this happen. For those that can write records into databases like ncbi and pubmed we can see that there are still novel experiments and theories that are being produced to create a more modern world. Due to the advancements of written records, we can sare information to anyone with available internet. With information as strong as what we have available now, any location on earth can advance their own technologies and science. This creates more scientific revolutions and spreads even more knowledge. From here we can concur that the world can only improve.

HIS 276 Midterm Reflection

My understanding of science has been opened much wider after only half a semester of this class. A definition of science is “the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.” Throughout history some might find that science did not truly start until recently. However, some others find that science has always been practiced since the dawn of humans. From the stone tools of the stone age to today’s cars. Science was observed throughout. Science is an umbrella term that covers many of what humans did to achieve what we have today. 

Many religious practices and theology in the past had many observations and predictions that reflected much of how science is performed. This practice can be seen today more as “Religious science.” Astronomy and Astrology was very much practiced back then as well. This developed into some of today’s calendars and basic understanding of the universe.  Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Islam and even as far back as the Paleolithic Era had practiced ways of healing. Medicinal, herbal, therapies, surgeries, magic, rituals, spells, diagnosing, interrogating and much more were created and contributed to what we have in the medical sciences today.

The content relates to today because more science is practiced than ever before. This is due to the fact recording one’s findings and observations is easier than ever. My understanding of the modern world may have not come to fruition if it weren’t for the advancements of the world before us.

Its near unfathomable that past advancements turned into today’s basics and that today’s advancements might turn into the futures basics.
